EXCELL Water Driver |

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The WVR2320 was manufactured by Excell / Devilbiss and sold mostly at home depot stores. Model WVR2320 are economy pressure washers with 25' of hose and a 36" wand with a variable nozzle at the end. Also included is a chemical injector and sometimes an accessorie brush. In most cases the EXVRB2321, VR2300 & WVR2320 will end up with a failed pump part # D22306 but a perfectly good engine. It is our opinion that the RMW2G24 or RMW2G25 Pump should be used instead of the original after the warranty period .
EXCELL Water Driver |
Owners Manual
Excell pressure washers are one of the largest manufacturers of power washers in the world. Mostly found in the USA, Ex-cell builds power washers for several other companys in what is called Private labeling. Excell pressure washers come in many differnt types using Honda & Briggs & Stratton engines to power their washers. Ex-cell also uses several different brands of pump as well as building their own. The list of pump manufacturers is Cat, General, Annovi Reverberi ( A.R.), Faip and Comet. Excell is one of the leading suppliers of pressure washers to the large retailers. Excell has a network of repair centers to help service the pressure washers but often it is a DIY type of repair that you can do when you have the correct repair parts or kits. We have Provided a link to your pressure washer breakdown showing the replacemnt parts and repair kits as well as the upgrade pumps that are available to keep you power washer running w/o haveing to go buy another one. We can provide some technical support for your Excell pressure washer or other brand and wold need the correct Excell model # to help answer your questions.