709985 Kit-QC Nozzle
709985 Kit-QC Nozzle
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709985 Kit-QC Nozzle

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  • 0-Degree Nozzle: Produces a concentrated, powerful stream of water ideal for removing stubborn stains and grime from surfaces like concrete and driveways.

  • 15-Degree Nozzle: Provides a slightly wider spray pattern than the 0-degree nozzle, offering a balance between pressure and coverage, suitable for cleaning durable surfaces like metal.

  • 25-Degree Nozzle: Offers a wider spray pattern, making it suitable for general-purpose cleaning tasks such as washing vehicles, decks, and fences.

  • 40-Degree Nozzle: Delivers a broader, fan-shaped spray pattern, ideal for light-duty cleaning tasks like rinsing delicate surfaces or applying detergent.

  • 65-Degree Nozzle: Provides the widest spray pattern, dispersing water over a large area for gentle rinsing or applying cleaning solutions.

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