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<span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13); font-family: Söhne, ui-sans-serif, system-ui, -apple-system, " segoe="" ui",="" roboto,="" ubuntu,="" cantarell,="" "noto="" sans",="" sans-serif,="" "helvetica="" neue",="" arial,="" "apple="" color="" emoji",="" "segoe="" ui="" symbol",="" emoji";="" font-size:="" 16px;="" white-space-collapse:="" preserve;="" background-color:="" rgb(255,="" 255,="" 255);"="">The 34668 Valve Kit is essential for the regular upkeep of CAT 2SF series pumps. It helps maintain the efficiency and longevity of the pump by ensuring that the valves, which are critical for the control of water flow and pressure, are in good working order.