Generac Pressure Washer 0485 Parts
GENERAC 0485-0 parts breakdown


3150 PSI
6300 CP


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Generac Pressure Washer 0485 Parts

2.8 @ 3100 PSI2.8 @ 3100 PSI
308653100 Pump308653100 Pump
1 Qt Pump Oil1 Qt Pump Oil
25' Hose, Gun, Wand Kit25' Hose, Gun, Wand Kit
Trigger GunTrigger Gun
25' Pressure Hose25' Pressure Hose
50' Pressure Hose50' Pressure Hose
Extension wandExtension wand
Variable Pressure Wand 3.0Variable Pressure Wand 3.0
Wand & Spray Tips 4.0Wand & Spray Tips 4.0
Turbo Nozzle & WandTurbo Nozzle & Wand
Fuel TankFuel Tank

Generac pressure washers are one of the largest manufacturers of power washers in the world. Mostly found in the USA, generac builds power washers for several other companys in what is called Private labeling. Generac pressure washers come in many differnt types using Honda, Briggs & Stratton and Generac engines to power their washers. Generac also uses several different brands of pump as well as build their own. The list of pump manufacturers is Cat, General, Annovi Reverberi ( A.R.), Faip and Comet. Generac is one of the leading suppliers of pressure washers to the large retailers. Generac has a network of repair centers to help service the pressure washers but often it is a DIY type of repair that you can do when you have the correct repair parts or kits. We have Provided a link to your pressure washer breakdown showing the replacemnt parts and repair kits as well as the upgrade pumps that are available to keep you power washer running w/o haveing to go buy another one. We can provide some technical support for your generac pressure washer or other brand and wold need the correct Generac model # to help answer your questions.

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Vancouver, WA, USA
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