Put Teflon Tape on both ends and screw into the port shown.
Screw Unloader onto the fitting and turn untill tight in this position.
Unscrew Allen plug at bottom of Unloader and put Teflon Tape on Threads
and reinstall and tighten.
Put teflon on threads of Garden hose inlet assembly and tighten so 1 of ports faces as shown.
Put Teflon tape on Brass Barbed fittings & tighten them into place as shown.
Take Bypass hose and dip each end into HOT Water to soften the Rubber.
Then push the ends over the barbs untill flush with the yellow plastic.
Put Teflon tape on coupler and screw unto the unloader as shown in picture above.
Put Teflon Tape on threads of Thermal Valve and put in port as shown above.